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Come Bootscoot with us in a FUN  & relaxed environment


Welcome, y'all found us! 


At Geraldton Bootscooters, we offer a variety of FUN Bootscootin' classes for adults & thrive off  providing

fun classes & teaching all levels.


Bootscootin' (Line Dancing) is a choreographed sequence or pattern that is repeated while everyone

stays in straight lines......AND it's making a comeback & is popular on a global scale more than people

realise or is recognised.


Although we LOVE our country music, we do use a variety of other genres too.


So, if you are looking for a FUN low impact workout, something a bit different for your ME time,

or you are just looking to enjoy yourself & cut loose, you just found the right place!  

It's so much FUN & you'll be addicted before ya know it!


And while you're having all this FUN you can know that dance & music is also amazing for your

memory & cognitive function, as well as muscle memory, strength & coordination.


Now ya found us, we look forward to seeing y'all on the

dance floor soon for some Bootscootin' FUN!

What our dancers have to say...hat

Amanda 36

Bootscootin' since September 2022
Favourite dances - Same Song, Dim the Lights, 3 Tequila Floor
I love that you can just zone out from the rest of life.  Also love the fantastic atmosphere, friendliness, laughs, exercise, testing my brain, learning new things.
I always feel in great company, never feeling shamed for mistakes, encouraged learning & celebrating new skills.  Love dancing and it's fun, heart warming exercise!
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© 2021 Geraldton Bootscooters

ABN 11456783763

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